Family Verse puzzle
• card stock
• scissors
• 15 Easter eggs
• small baskets or bowls (1 per child)


Print out the Family Verse puzzle on cardstock. Cut out each individual puzzle piece and place one piece in each Easter egg. Hide the eggs around your yard or home.


Gather your children and give each of them a basket or bowl. Explain to your kids that they are going on an Easter egg hunt! When they find an egg, they must put it in their basket and continue looking until all 15 eggs are found.

Once your family has found all of the eggs, open them and create a pile of the puzzle pieces. Then, begin to piece the puzzle together.

After the puzzle is complete, you will be able to see the Family Verse for this month. Take advantage of the opportunity to read the verse together, create fun motions to help with memorization, and/or talk about what it means.


Here are a couple of fun twists you may consider adding to your game time:

Make It Sweet: If you have a larger family and would like to add more eggs to the hunt, or you just have a sweet tooth, simply add some eggs filled with candy. When your family opens the candy eggs, have your kids dump them into a small bowl and enjoy a family treat as you put the puzzle together.

Frame It: We encourage you to frame the Family Verse each month. In addition to framing the verse found in the magazine, frame this puzzle and place it in a child’s room or common area for your kids to continue memorizing and talking about the Scripture this month.


The environment of Knowing is all about the amazing fact that “God knows me, and I can know Him.” Easter is a special time to remember God’s deep desire to have a relationship with each and every one of us. He sent Jesus to die in our place and raised Him from the dead so that we may live with Him forever. What an amazing Father we have! As you talk with your children about what it means to know God and be known by Him, encourage them to remember the truth of the resurrection and what our celebration of Easter is really about.