As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem” (Luke 9:51). Such a simple verse, but have you ever taken a moment to consider the weight of these words? “Resolutely”… Jesus was determined. He knew full well what awaited Him in Jerusalem and yet, in firmness and determination, He went anyway. That is service. Jesus chose to “give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45).
Jesus is a perfect example of service. He demonstrated both in His life and His death what it means to love other people and to continually ask the question, “What needs to be done?” During Holy Week (the week leading up to Easter), spend some time each day in God’s Word. Reflect on the perfect example of Jesus and think through ways we can better serve the people God brings into our lives.
Read Matthew 21:1–11. Jesus sent His disciples to find a donkey. Then, in full humility, Jesus sat on that donkey as He entered the city of Jerusalem. As He rode, the people shouted at the top of their lungs, “Hosanna!” and “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” The people cried out and laid their coats and palm branches on the ground as the donkey click-clacked along the path.
Close your eyes and picture this scene. Jerusalem’s roads are dusty and dirty. Huge crowds press along the main street. People are crying. There are shouts of celebration and excitement. The scene must have been absolutely overwhelming. Now think about Jesus as He sits on the donkey. He is entering this city because He loves these people. Jesus not only loves these people, but He also loves you and me. He is willing to die so that all of us can have life. Open your eyes. How did Jesus model what it means to be a servant as He rode into Jerusalem?
Read Matthew 21:12–13. Jesus reminds us that the church is meant to be a place of prayer and of praising God. Jesus was angry that people had turned His house into a place of greed and profit.
Jesus still cares about His church today. He wants churches around the world to be places of prayer and praising God. Spend some time in prayer for the church around the world. Ask God to help people in every country hear about Him and to be able to worship Him.
Read Matthew 26:6–13. This woman was willing to give up incredibly costly perfume in order to serve Jesus. She gave what she had to demonstrate her love for God.
We can serve God by allowing Him to use our time, talents, and treasures. What is something you are willing to give today to demonstrate your love for God? Spend time thinking about something each person in the family can give out of their love for Jesus. Examples might include donating toys to a family in need, baking cookies and giving up your time to share them this Easter, giving money to the church, or other creative acts of service.
Read Matthew 26:14–16. Judas was Jesus’ friend—he walked with Jesus, learned from Jesus, and shared life with Jesus. And yet, Judas was so fixated on money and wanting more that he was willing to do the unthinkable and sell his friend’s life for 30 silver coins.
What have you let get in the way of your friendship with Jesus? Judas was willing to give his friend’s life away for money. What about you? Walk around the house as a family and point out things that can get in the way of your friendship with Jesus. For example, as you walk past the TV, say something like, “TV can be a fun way for our family to relax, but watching too much TV can get in the way of listening to God and doing what He has called us to do.” Walking past a clock could prompt you to say, “It’s easy to feel like there isn’t enough time to talk to Jesus or to serve other people, but what is the truth about our time?”
Read Matthew 26:17–30. This was the last supper that Jesus shared with His friends. At this meal Jesus introduced the practice we call “communion” or “the Lord’s supper.” Today we celebrate communion with others as a way of remembering Jesus and this last meal He ate with the disciples. Verse 30 says that they finished by singing together. Up until the very end of Jesus’ life, He chose to be a part of His faith community and to celebrate God with them.
Sing a worship song together. Pick a song that celebrates Jesus’ sacrifice for us. Even if you don’t know all the lyrics, play it a few times until everyone catches on. Fill the room you are in with loud singing, thanking God for who He is and His great love for us. During this time, remember Jesus. Remember that last meal Jesus ate with His friends. And remember Jesus’ ultimate act of service when He died for us on the cross.
Read Matthew 27:27–37, 50–54. In the greatest act of service ever, Jesus died on the cross. Jesus knew that all of us are hopelessly separated from God because of our sin. But God loves us and wants us to know Him, so He asked His perfect son, Jesus, to pay for our sin. And Jesus chose to die on the cross for us. For all of us.
Silence. Spend two to three minutes in complete silence. This will be a hard task for some children, but explain that what Jesus did on the cross was for each one of us. As everyone remains quiet, have them each think about how Jesus chose to serve others. Think about how amazing it is that Jesus chose to die on the cross for each of us.
Read Matthew 27:57–66. Jesus was buried in a tomb. What do you think the tomb was like? Guards were posted at the door of the tomb. Those guards may have felt silly, guarding the tomb of a man who had died. The guards may have wondered to themselves, “Why this tomb? What was so special about this man?”
Make a list of all the things that are special about Jesus. Think about the miracles He performed, the ways He served people, and His amazing love. Try to write out as many things as possible describing why Jesus was completely unique and special. There has never been anyone else as wonderful as Jesus!
Read Matthew 28:1–10. Jesus is risen! What amazing news! Jesus did not stay dead—He rose from the grave! What an amazing and awesome God we serve. An angel appeared to spread the word and then Jesus Himself appeared. Jesus proved that He alone is more powerful than sin and God alone is more powerful than death. Jesus is alive and this is the miracle we celebrate at Easter.
Celebrate the truth that Jesus is risen. Just as the angel declared to the women, “He has risen,” today declare that Jesus is risen to everyone you encounter. Begin right now by shouting the good news that Jesus is risen as loud as you can. Throughout the day, find people to share this truth with. Jesus rose so we could have freedom from sin and friendship with God, and this is the best news we will ever hear!