As we celebrate Easter each spring, we’re reminded of how Jesus modeled servanthood for us and showed us that death isn’t the end— because, in Him, we’ll live forever.
In Jesus’ life and ministry on earth, He modeled servant sacrifice again and again. He took on the duty of a slave by washing His disciples’ feet (John 13:1–17). He taught about humility and service (Matthew 20:16, 20–28). And He even said that the best way to love a friend is to lay down your life for that person (John 15:12–13).
Whenever Jesus acted in a way that was outrageously humble or sacrificial, He used it as a teachable moment to urge His disciples to follow His example. He laid out what it means to be His follower by saying such things as these words in Luke: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it” (Luke 9:23–24).
Jesus could make claims like this because He knew that for His disciples, this life isn’t the end. Our temporary existence isn’t what we place our hope in, and it’s not what will ultimately satisfy us. By dying on the cross—showing the greatest possible display of sacrificial love—and then rising from the dead, Jesus modeled sacrifice for us and gave us a basis for hope. Because Jesus has been resurrected from the dead, we can be too.
Paul writes about this in 1 Corinthians 15 (see especially verses 1–8 and 12–22). Paul shows that Jesus’ resurrection is the most crucial truth of our whole faith. If Jesus wasn’t raised from the dead, we have no forgiveness of sins and no way to be made right with God. We’re living this life utterly deceived, thinking that there is more to come when there isn’t. However, if Jesus truly was raised from the dead, after we die, we too will be raised from the dead and will enjoy eternal life in the presence of God. Because of this, we’re able to rejoice in trials while on earth and lay down our lives for one another because we know that we’ll one day receive a crown of life that will never pass away (James 1:2, 12).
This month, worship God by reading His Word together as a family. Use Philippians 2:1–11 to guide your time.
1. Reflect on this passage, sharing with one another which verses or phrases stand out to you and why.
2. Talk about how Jesus modeled servant sacrifice and what it means for us to follow Him by humbly serving one another.
3. Brainstorm ways to love and serve one another better this month.
4. Then shift your discussion to reflect on how Jesus’ rising from the dead give us hope for eternal life.
5. Talk about what it means to be made “alive with Christ” and how we’ll live forever with God.