I love the beginning of the New Year! Everything is filled with such hope and promise. It’s also the time to decide on goals for the coming year. One of the thi... Read More...
This year Advent begins on Sunday, December 2 and ends on Monday, December 24. We have divided a nativity story into 23 days. Each day, read the previous days’... Read More...
A part of Easter often gets overlooked. We know that Jesus dying on the cross and rising from the grave means we can be forgiven from our sins, but sometimes we... Read More...
We live in a culture obsessed with obtaining the most comfortable lifestyle - not one that embraces stepping out of the comfort zone. God commands us to comfort... Read More...
As parents and grandparents, we often think about the “mixed messages” we send to our children and grandchildren. Do we grumble when it’s time to do the dishes ... Read More...
Jesus’s resurrection is recorded in all four gospels (Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, and John 20). Each gospel writer is writing for a slightly different purpose... Read More...
As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem” (Luke 9:51). Such a simple verse, but have you ever taken a mom... Read More...
Jesus was a master storyteller. Usually, when someone struggled to understand God’s heart, Jesus would tell a parable. These parables were simple stories that i... Read More...
How often have we sat at a wedding, perhaps it happened at your own, and heard a Scripture reading from 1 Corinthians 13, “the love chapter”? We’ve seen the pas... Read More...
The disciples, unable to hold back their smiles and laughter, couldn’t believe what was happening! Less than an hour ago they were cold, wet, hungry, and discou... Read More...
PARENTS This is a story based on John 21:1–14.
The disciples, unable to hold back their smiles and laughter, couldn’t believe what was happening! Less than a... Read More...