Living in the environment of OUT OF THE COMFORT ZONE is less about being uncomfortable and more about trusting God. In Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God, Frances Chan put it this way, “God doesn’t call us to be comfortable. He calls us to trust Him so completely that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we will be in trouble if He doesn’t come through.”
This month’s issue of HomeFront is filled with stories of people who trusted God and obeyed His calling on their lives. The next few pages are filled with testimonies of families who stepped out in faith and depended on God to meet them as they chose to leave their comfort zones and adopt! Some of the stories are about adopting children—both at home and internationally. One family shares about how they reached out to college students and brought them into their home, while another inspires us with ways we can adopt our neighbors.
Adoption hits close to home for me. I live with my son and co-parent his two children—I have adopted the role of mom. While most women my age are preparing for the golden years, I am preparing lunches for a preschooler and first grader. My brother also adopted two daughters and our family has been forever changed by the love their family shares with each other. In fact, my niece wrote this month’s BLESSING.
One of my favorite articles this month is Adoption Wrap Around. Mike Ruman, CEO of Parenting Academy, shares his family’s story of adoption. He then reminds us of practical ways we can come alongside these brave families and support them as they step out in faith and obey God’s call to look after the orphans of this world. Each one of us can play a role!
Our prayer is that this unique issue of HomeFront will encourage your family to trust God and step out in faith knowing He will meet you and transform you in the process. We hope this issue will spark some great family conversations and awaken you to all that God is calling us to as Christ followers.