Editor’s Note for April 2015:

“He is not here: he has risen!”

Our entire faith rests on these beautiful words from Matthew 28:6. The fact that Jesus rose from the dead means that death no longer holds any power over us. Because Jesus conquered death, nothing can stand in His way. And when we believe this, His Spirit dwells within us and transforms us with the power that raised Jesus from the grave! We no longer need to live in fear.

As parents, it’s our responsibility to push our children out of their comfort zone so they can experience the transforming power of God’s Holy Spirit. In storytelling this month you’ll read a story about a boy named Simon who struggled with fear until he realized that with Jesus he could be brave.

Our family time recipe might take you a bit out of your comfort zone as you combine two favorites into one delicious treat! Tough topics tackles adoption and the rewards that come from listening to God’s voice and stepping out in faith to transform your family.

In spiritual grandparenting you’ll get a fun look at learning how to communicate with your grandchildren through texting. You’ll also learn some common texting terms and abbreviations.

Living in the environment of out of the comfort zone is truly living exactly where God wants us to be—dependent on Him. We pray that creating this environment in your home this month will be an exciting way to experience the Holy Spirit’s transforming power as you live a life of risk and abandonment—a life not bound by fear!

HomeFront Magazine April 2015 Issue

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April 2015 Issue