Editor’s Note for May 2015:
Every morning millions of people wake up to a blurry and out-of-focus view—they reach for their glasses and, immediately, what seemed clouded and indistinct is brought into focus and clarity prevails. Asking the question, “What needs to be done?” when entering a situation does exactly the same thing—it gives us a Jesus-lens and encourages us to put others’ needs above our own. This question gives us new eyes to see things the way God does and allows the Holy Spirit, rather than our own self-focused perspective, to guide us.
This month’s everyday dad blog reveals how we, as broken people, often decide who is worthy of our service. Jesus clearly explained that this is not our job. Our responsibility is to give without condition whether someone is worthy or not—which is exactly what God has done for each of us.
In God’s word you will read a beautiful story of how the feeding of the 5,000 could have played out. You will then be challenged to view your own neighbors through a different lens and discover how your family might become a blessing to them.
One great way of serving others is by sharing a meal—we have provided our top five favorite ministry meals in the family time recipe. We are sure these will quickly become some of your favorites too.
Our prayer this month is that you and your family would wake up each day and enter each situation asking God to give you His eyes—His clarity and vision—for what needs to be done. We hope this issue of HomeFront will be a great resource for you as you learn to live a life of service and ask “How can we serve?”