About Hope for Orphans
There are fatherless children in America. There are fatherless children around the world. There are fatherless children among unreached people groups. The Lord says that these children are precious because they are made in His image; and pure worship is to love orphans and widows (James 1:27). That means loving orphans is not optional for a gospel-centered church. We are persuaded that the church is God’s means to reach every orphan.
Hope for Orphans was launched in 2001 and is led by Paul and Robin Pennington along with their children, of whom five came to their family through adoption. Hope for Orphans has been used to equip thousands of churches in orphan ministry; our events and resources have served tens of thousands of families in adoption, foster care, and orphan ministry. Hope for Orphans is introducing new gospel-driven content this year for parenting at-risk children from trauma and abuse. It has been our privilege to lead the development of the Christian Alliance for Orphans.
We believe that the greatest need of all children, including orphans, is to know the saving and transformational love of Jesus. Attaching to Jesus as sons and daughters redeemed from sin through faith alone and grace alone is our heartbeat. We believe that when the church joins God in loving orphans, the result will be to experience the reality of God.
We believe loving orphans is directly connected to completing the Great Commission and part of taking the gospel back to Jerusalem.
We believe that God wants to use your church for His glory in caring for orphans both spiritual and physical, but also in serving families called to take at-risk children. We exist to provide resources, tools, and insight to fulfill this mission in your church, your family, or small group.
We believe that loving orphans is the visible gospel and brings glory to the name above every name. To that end we are about “Serving Every Church to Reach Every Orphan.”
Hope for Orphans is engaged with the mass mobilization of the church in gospel-driven orphan ministry.
We do this through our key initiatives:
• If You Were Mine is our video-based adoption workshop for families used by hundreds of churches and families. Now available on Vimeo on Demand and Right Now Media.
• ROOTED is video-based gospel-centric parenting content for struggling families.
• Project Lion Heart is our video-based children’s curriculum for introducing and equipping kids in orphan ministry.
• HFO (Hope for Orphans) INTERNATIONAL is our outreach serving the local church globally through foreign language resources, events, and trips to serve in orphan ministry.
• CHURCH EQUIPPING: Hope for Orphans provides a variety of resources for the establishment, development, and execution of orphan ministry in the local church.
• HFO LIVE STREAMS: In 2014, Hope for Orphans began providing live-stream programming with special guests on a variety of topics touching families and the local church in adoption and orphan ministry. These programs are also archived for future viewing.
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