In the early years of our marriage, we were awful at owning our mistakes. Our pride didn’t allow us to admit that we were imperfect and messy, so we spent a lot... Read More...
One of my friends is walking through the Valley of the Shadow. As I was listening to him share his heart this morning, and when the appropriate amount of silenc... Read More...
Recently, I was in a meeting with some church leaders talking about complex social concerns like suicide, depression, porn addiction, and sexual brokenness. The... Read More...
“One chapter in the story of my husband’s terminal illness began with attending a Legacy Retreat® hosted by Inheritance of Hope. It was... Read More...
How do you respond when your world falls apart? If I’m honest, my response is typically to look inward— and I often become consumed with myself until a loving f... Read More...
One of the goals of course correction is to train our children’s minds, hearts, bodies, and souls to know and love God. It’s our privilege to introduce our chil... Read More...
It finally happened. My child was the kid who did it. The pleasant, delightful little kindergartner, who brings me flowers and says a prayer before every meal, ... Read More...
• white poster board or poster-size paper
• markers
• colorful paper, 1 color for each family member
• scissors
• tape
• masking tape
• ...
I’m prone to claustrophobia. Tight, narrow spaces can send me into a full-blown panic attack complete with sweating and hyperventilating. You don’t want to see ... Read More...
The other night I was lying in bed, simply wanting to check my Instagram and share a post that had inspired me. I had every intention of going to sleep within t... Read More...
Most days it’s easy for me to worship the Lord. You know how it is: life rolls along for a while without any major bumps in the road and we soon find ourselves ... Read More...
Some weeks our schedules can feel so full: T-ball practice, Muffins with Mom at school, a birthday party, occupational therapy, and the dog needs to go to the v... Read More...