Thanksgiving is a time to thank God, not just for what He has done for us, but for the
people He has done it through. God works through each of us to bring His kingdom
to earth. Some teach, some preach, some host parties, some comfort us when we’re
sad. Consider the last couple of weeks. Has someone lent you a helping hand? Has
anyone reminded you of the truth when you needed it most? Has someone given you
an unexpected gift? Has anyone prayed with you? Stop and thank God for those people
right now.
As you consider the people God has used to bless you, grab a poster board to make
a chart! Using a thick marker, divide the poster into thirds vertically, and draw at least 10
horizontal lines across. Write three headings at the top: Who, What, and How. Beneath
Who, write the names of the people God brought to mind. Next to each person’s name
and beneath What, write ways they have blessed you. Beneath How, write one unique
way you want to thank them! Do this exercise once a week throughout the month. Let’s
serve the people who have already served us through a spirit of thankfulness.
Here are some ways you might demonstrate thankfulness:
• Make something (artwork, favorite food, craft, etc.).
• Write a thank you card.
• Sing a thank you song.
• Ask them how you can pray, and then pray!
As servants of Christ, we serve by responding to the needs of those around us.
Sometimes what someone needs is to be thanked for the good works they have done.
When we thank people, we are reminding them that God is alive and working through
them, even if they don’t realize it! We are letting them know we do not take their
generosity for granted. We are reminding ourselves of how much we need other people.
And we are giving glory to God for what He is doing through others.