It’s safe to say that most everyone loves a good story. Stories have the power to excite us and transform us. They can take us on amazing adventures and have the ability to teach us great lessons. As followers of Jesus, we know that His story is the greatest—and we are called to share this story with others.

During this Easter season, become comfortable sharing the story of the death and resurrection in your own words. Create these story squares to help you share the story of Jesus in a fun and creative way.

May the love of your heavenly Father give you the courage to share His story with others.

• wood blocks, tiles, rocks, or paper squares
• paint, colored pencils, markers, or crayons
• paintbrushes and water (if using paint)
• Bible

Set your materials on your workspace. Then, together as a family, paint or draw images on your chosen medium that will help you tell the Easter story in your own words. Images might include: palm branch, Passover cup and bread, silver pieces, rooster, dice, crown of thorns, cross, tomb. It may be a good idea to read the gospel accounts of what happened the week between Palm Sunday and Easter as a family and decide on images together. Then, you can take turns telling the story. Challenge each other to share the story of Jesus with others this season.