We are excited to offer you a copy of The Big God Story Coloring Book this month. Just go to http://sundayschool.com/products/tru-big-god-story-coloring-book and download a copy using the promo code HF2017. This code will only be good through March 31, 2017 so be sure to get your copy quickly. While your children color the pages, read the associated Scripture to them. Then, take some time to ask them questions about that part of The Big God Story.
1. What does this part of the Bible tell us about God?
2. What can we learn from this part of God’s story?
3. How can we apply this to our lives today?
The last three pages of the coloring book are for your family to remember and celebrate that you, too, get to be a part of God’s big story. After coloring these pages, talk about ways God is using your family in His story—then celebrate together!